About us

We want to shake up how films are made, how they are released and how they connect with real world actions.

The Unquiet Collective combines the know-how of six women from film, campaigning, art and impact backgrounds with a powerful commitment to partnerships led by communities with lived experience.

The collective works with filmmakers to reach their audiences and invite audiences to move from ideas into action.

We support projects that span documentary, narrative, audio and performance works.

The work that we do expands traditional modes of distribution, focusing specifically on engaging new, unexpected audiences and coming to them with offers and tools for action.

Our work is grounded in, and expanded by, solid partnerships with organisations, thinkers, makers and doers across disciplines who help us define our strategies and framing to reach these audiences.

We also bring new audiences to existing campaigns.


Our mission

We know storytelling and films light up our hearts and imaginations. We know films can move us deeply.

We create and implement impact campaigns to connect stories with audiences, and audiences with opportunities to be part of change.

We work with filmmakers at every stage of the process, from development through production and into release. We centre the voices that need to be heard.

We connect fims with the social movements, campaigners, NGOs, researchers and experts working in the relevant field for each project.

We help get the right people to watch the films and direct audience energies towards real world change.

Our work is deep and personalised, so we focus on a small number of campaigns at a time.

We support filmmakers, sales agents and distributors to design impact distribution strategies that they can implement themselves, including advice on the ethics of collaborative filmmaking, duty of care and partnership development.

We are available to speak at and participate in events. We can also provide workshops and training.

We run a semi regular open call on impact filmmaking called UNQUIET90.